Within the depths of one’s subconscious and unconscious mind, and the sensations within 
the physical body, I serve as your guide and hold a safe space for profound healing.

Energy Centre Healing

In this guided hypnosis journey, you have a unique opportunity to work with your energy centres (chakras) within your field. Each energy centre (chakra) has qualities that affect various physical and emotional aspects within you. This guided hypnosis healing provides you with an opportunity to open and heal blocked, out-of-balance, or fragmented energy centres, allowing them, and ultimately you, to resonate and align in a state of balance and well-being. 

After a healing session, I provide you with a custom hypnosis audio meticulously crafted for 21 days of immersion. This audio guides the subconscious mind to integrate one's newfound state of well-being.  

Additional Knowledge & Practices 

Beyond this service, I may suggest simple yet impactful practices to integrate into your daily routine and share knowledge that can further support your life-enhancing changes. 


You are welcome to schedule a complimentary Zoom (teleconference) meeting with me to ask questions and discover if this is for you.